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Introduction to the RC building example. Modeling and analysis of the design example.
                                                    P. Fajfar and M. Kreslin

                      uncracked section were multiplied by factor 0.5. Also the torsional stiffness of the elements
                      has been reduced. Torsional stiffness of  the cracked section  was set equal to 10% of the
                      torsional stiffness of the uncracked section.

                  o   Infills are not considered in the model.
                  o   The accidental torsional effects are taken into account by means of torsional moments about
                      the vertical axis according to EN 1998/ (see section 2.5.3)

                                               Figure 2.2.1 Structural model

      Effective widths of beams

               The effective widths of beams  b eff  were calculated according to EN 1992/ Determined were
               two different widths for interior beams (BINT1 and BINT2, Fig 2.2.2) and two widths for exterior beams
               (BEXT1 and BEXT2 Fig. 2.2.2). A constant width was adopted over the whole span. In such a case
               the value of the b eff  applicable for the span should used (EN 1992/ The corresponding l o
               (distance between points of zero moment) amounts to 70% of the element length (EN 1992, Figure
               5.2). The values of the effective widths b eff  are shown in Fig. 2.2.2. They are rounded to 5 cm.

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8