Phase relations and phisical state indexes of soil

Soil is consisted of three phases: hard, liquid, gaseous.

Hard phase is described by hard particles, liquid is made of water, and gaseous is made of air or watered vapor in pores.

Some sorts of soil can be made of one, two, or three phases.

Physical features depend of some phases in soil.

Incoherent soil like are dry sand or gravel is made of only one phase. We could say of hard particles. Also very important information is that, that  there are pores in the spaces between those hard particles.

Moist coherent soil beyond the level of underground water is made by hard particles and closed pores, which are partial filled with water and air or watered vapor. This type of soil is made up of three phases.

Soil under the level of underground water is made up of two phases hard and liquid.

We also could mention some really important indexes like specific weight, contents of water (moisture), contents of air, weight and volume.

Conclusion: Soil appeared by physical and chemical decomposing.

Also in soil we can recognize hollows in grains as e know as pores.

Soil can contain some organic matter. And it is made of three phases. Soil is separated on hard grain and small grain soil.

Type of soil is described by granulometric structure and Attebreg s limit.